In L.A., 20,000 of us marched to the CNN building yesterday to protest
the media's failure to adequately cover the widespread and intense
anti-war sentiment in the U.S.
Blogs (and are where I'm finding a lot of covg of the
movement, and I'm covering the L.A. protests on my own blog, which has
been re-named L.A. War blog.
Blogs like
are useful for pointing those rare places in the media not trapped in a
gung-ho, celebrate-war mentality.
Even the usually pop-culture-oriented Blogcritics
has turned into a source of alternative information and conversation
(right, left, other) on the war. There's no editor to tell the resident
bloggers that they can't inject opinion about the war into their
reviews of music, TV and movies, which is very liberating. (I posted
the above review of 13 Days in response to a pro-war review of Three
Of course there are lots of others. We bloggers are throwing around the
phrase "become the media," and I have to admit I get it and I don't. I
know there is huge potential here. Blogging really does turn anyone
into a publisher, because it makes it so easy. The ecology of links and
pings is something very new (to me) and could rescue blogging from its
main criticism--that it's too hard to find the cream.
But I'm still trying to figure out how to use it. All this excitement,
not much focus yet. But I figure we just need to keep experimenting
with it, and war, I think, has provided a testing ground.
Brian Flemming
On Sunday, March 23, 2003, at 02:56 PM, Jon Leidecker wrote:
> what are people reading for news?
> I'm mainly on, has a lot of good stuff too.
> tv coverage is horrifying, they've learned a LOT from the recent
> methodology of reality tv shows.
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