Re: [rumori] news sites
Date: Sun Mar 23 2003 - 16:21:37 PST

The other thing to look out for is when channels change coverage. Like
for instance earlier this week, PBS did not air a program on NKorea so
they could replay a great 2 hour documentary on Saddam's rise to power
and his reign as documented in the Frontline program over several
decades. Also the major US news networks also have their own 1-2 hour
pieces on the country. They've been running repeatedly in the wee hours
for the last month or so. BBC is a good change of pace. their
broadcasts seem much more laid back, today they followed one reporter
through his day with the troops in the southern offensive. BBC, CNN,
MSNBC all have audio and video feeds online.

other places to go,, (the Associated Press
Wire, becareful where you click the first time, cus every time you go it
will return to the link associated, haven't figured out which cookie it
is to reset the location option) they pool stories from 4,500 online organizations all
over the world, so if you are interested in one story you can read about
it from lots of different papers.


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