Forwarded by Negativland.
><<Napster isn't the issue as much as it will be awhile before a lot of
>albums are available because the remix takes a certain expertise that is not
>widely available.>>
>Good point. And, if surround systems ever penetrate enough, major labels
>should be (and are, I think) looking to good surround mixes as a value add
>that most indies won't be providing in the near term. Your average guy in a
>project studio is barely comfortable with stereo mixdown, much less (a) the
>craft involved in a really good surround mix (b) the gear and room required
>to make a good surround mix work, and (c) the time/expense involved in doing
>multiple mixes -- still need a stereo mix -- and multiple duplication
>formats (though it should be noted that MP4 can carry multi-channel sound).
>Many engineers doing major label work are telling me that a surround mix,
>even if it's not released right away, is becoming de rigueur.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: []On Behalf Of
>Gary Fine
>Sent: Monday, April 30, 2001 8:04 PM
>To:; 'Bobby Poe'
>Subject: RE: pho: How Far Away Is The Day When...
>"I would have sworn at one point record labels were going to make
>multi-channel music that
>could utilize home video sound systems..."
>Before I get to your question, let me cover a little background. As I
>understand it, three companies are primarily responsible for the
>multi-channel "surround sound" experience - Dolby Laboratories, Digital
>Theater Systems (DTS) and Sony Dynamic Digital Sound (SDDS). Most films are
>released with soundtracks in some form from all three companies.
>Both Dolby and SDDS are "sound on film" formats (i.e., the sound is placed
>in unused areas along the edges of the film. The DTS soundtrack emanates
>from a CD-ROM that maintains sync via a time code control track located on
>the film between the two-channel analog soundtrack and the exposed film
>frame which, I think, has significant advantages over the other formats.
>First, the time code track can trigger "events" such as flashing strobe
>lights set up in theaters to simulate lightning (e.g., Jurassic Park). A
>potential value add that keeps theaters one step ahead of home theater.
>Second, the piece of real estate that the time code is on is not on the
>edges of the film which is subject to greater wear and degradation than the
>placement of the DTS signal mentioned above. Finally, Spielberg and
>MCA/Universal Studios have invested in Digital Theater Systems, and have
>since committed all of their major film productions to DTS surround.
>Regarding whether "record labels were going to make multi-channel music that
>could utilize home video sound systems," I was fortunate enough to be
>invited by the good people at DTS to hear DTS' newest advancement along
>those lines. DTS now has DTS-ES 6.1 "extended sound" which is where a film
>or musical soundtrack is separated into tracks for six speakers and one sub
>woofer (5.1 sound has channels for five speakers plus one sub woofer.) I
>sat in the listening room and heard a Latin band in the 6.1 format which
>made it seem like there were percussion players and horn players all around
>me instead of in a 2 dimensional format. It was incredible!
>" I think that I idea fell by the wayside after Napster came along and
>everyone started worrying about their livelihood..."
>Napster isn't the issue as much as it will be awhile before a lot of albums
>are available because the remix takes a certain expertise that is not widely
>Hope that helps.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: []On Behalf Of
>Bobby Poe
>Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2001 4:06 PM
>To: Pho
>Subject: Re: pho: How Far Away Is The Day When...
>Hi Simon,
>I guess I was talking about a wav or aiff file (I have a Mac), but I call
>them a CD file since they conform to Red Book standards. I've been using
>Roxio's Toast program to record and their technical people are very astute.
>Here's a URL on digital audio extraction that some phosters might find
>Anyway, streaming is PART of the way of the future, but people are always
>going to want to make their own compilations and take them with them. Having
>the ability to have everything ever recorded streamed is do I
>get it whenever and wherever I want it WITHOUT BEING CONNECTED TO THE
>INTERNET? Gotta make a copy is the only way I know. Whoever can synthesize
>all of these concepts and technologies will be the Microsoft of tomorrow
>(unless, of course Microsoft is the Microsoft of tomorrow).
>Toby brought up an interesting point about sound and movies. I would have
>sworn at one point record labels were going to make multi-channel music that
>could utilize home video sound systems, but I think that I idea fell by the
>wayside after Napster came along and everyone started worrying about their
>Bobby Poe
>Pop Music
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