[rumori] Open Audio License

From: Steev Hise (steevATdetritus.net)
Date: Tue May 01 2001 - 14:44:51 PDT

EFF Releases Public Music License to Promote Audio Freedom

  Artists and Audiences Strike New Deal to Protect Public Commons
    For Immediate Release - April 21, 2001
     Robin Gross, EFF Staff Attorney for Intellectual Property,
     +1 415-863-5459
   New York -- The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) introduced a new
   tool designed to empower both artists and audiences at the New York
   Music & Internet Expo on April 21, 2001. As part of its Campaign for
   Audiovisual Free Expression (CAFE), EFF's Open Audio License allows
   anyone to freely copy, share, perform, and adapt music in exchange for
   providing credit to the artist for her gift to humanity.
   EFF's Open Audio License enables musicians and society to build upon
   and share creative expression creating a rich public commons. Artists
   who chose to release a song under the public license can build their
   reputation by offering unfettered access to their orginal works in
   exchange for recognition. Open Audio works are designated as "(O)" by
   the author and may be lawfully traded on file-sharing systems such as
   Napster or played by traditional and Web DJs royalty-free. Numerous
   musicians have traditionally taken advantage of super-distribution of
   their music, such as the Grateful Dead, a band that attributes much of
   its success to its encouragement of fans to freely copy and share
   their music.
   "EFF's Open Audience License hopes to use the power of copyright to
   protect copyright's ultimate objectives a vibrant and accessible
   public domain, incentivising creativity, and promoting the free
   exchange of ideas," said EFF Staff Attorney for Intellectual Property
   Robin Gross. "EFF's public music license strikes a new deal between
   creators and the public, granting more freedoms to the public to
   experience music while ensuring the artist is compensated."
   The online civil liberties group launched CAFE in June 1999 to address
   complex social and legal issues raised by new technological measures
   for protecting intellectual property. EFF believes that new
   intellectual property laws and technologies harm - nearly eliminate -
   the public's fair use rights, and make criminals of people doing
   perfectly legitimate things.
   To read EFF's Open Audio License & supporting documents, see:
   For more information on EFF's CAFE campaign, see:
   About EFF: The Electronic Frontier Foundation is the leading civil
   liberties organization working to protect rights in the digital world.
   Founded in 1990, EFF actively encourages and challenges industry and
   government to support free expression, privacy, and openness in the
   information society. EFF is a member-supported organization and
   maintains one of the most linked-to Web sites in the world:

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