I understand, yeah, we're just mincing words.
PS: It wasn't _entirely_ my definition.
Steev Hise <steevATdetritus.net> on 11/05/99 03:28:13 PM
Please respond to rumoriATdetritus.net
To: rumoriATdetritus.net
cc: (bcc: Dan Serkland/National/NISH)
Subject: Re: [rumori] cave painting redux or "Vandalous Neanderthals"
by your definition, Dan, any painting of a non-real thing is a collage. i
don't think i agree. Collage, in the context of art, refers specifically
to form and materials. Just mixing 2 ideas together is not collage.
Painting a landscape that doesnt really exist is, while imaginative, not
collage. pasting cut-out photos of trees over a photo of the Sahara,
that's collage.
Steev Hise, Syssy Admin
steevAThise.org http://www.cyborganic.com/people/steev
recycled art site: http://www.detritus.net
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