Re: [rumori] cave painting redux or "Vandalous Neanderthals"
Fri, 5 Nov 1999 13:58:49 -0500

They resemble collage because - I'm supposing - cave paintings may have
been composed from scenes which were not actual. We use collage to create
something which was not there. I'm not even thinking about paint and
paper and glue. I'm only considering the images which may have been drawn
from sources that would never have naturally been mixed. Maybe THAT
antelope and THAT bison never REALLY inhabited the same field or region or

You can paint a picture of a landscape. You can cut-and-paste images to
create a picture of a landscape. You can paint a picture of your collage,
which, I think, is STILL a collage because of what it represents.

I found a dictionary definition which defines collage as something made of
"diverse fragments," ("a ~ of ideas" was the example I saw in my
dictionary) in addition to the definition of a collage as being only an
assembly of MATERIALS.


PS: Cave painting aside, I guess I think collage is a basic human behaviour
not unlike language.

Steev Hise <> on 11/05/99 01:14:53 PM

Please respond to

cc: (bcc: Dan Serkland/National/NISH)
Subject: [rumori] cave painting redux

Fri, 5 Nov 1999 found writing:

>It's impossible to say HOW they were produced (aside from pigments and
>such), but from what we observe [objectively] I can only say that cave
>paintings resemble the _intellectual act_ of collage. "Let's paint many

why do they resemble collage, and not simply painting? what is so
collage-like about them?

of course we'll never know for sure how they were produced. maybe ancient
astronaut alien art-supply salesmen gave brushes and paints to the
cavemen. (they tried to sell them canvas too but the humans said no thanx,
we'll use the walls.)


Steev Hise, Wannabe Has-Been
recycled art site:
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