[Rumori] i'm a little late in the game, but

Jon Leidecker wobbly at detritus.net
Fri Sep 12 21:29:51 PDT 2003

still going

>big big fan of TD; his _eight electronic pieces_ was just rereleased by a
>label herem in chicago.  http://www.locustmusic.com

just bought this last night;  it's fantastic!  piece no. eight is the
original mono version of 'traveling music', and it's better than the

>this is the third time i've heard mimaroglu's name in as many days.  i think
>that's portentous.

the problem is, the classic works aren't on CD yet.  there are two discs
focusing on more recent pieces, 'criminal record' and 'outstanding
warrants', both of which are hit and miss.  bad places to start.  the ones
you want:  'agony', 'face the windmills turn left', 'to kill a sunrise'.
He also did the montage/production on trumpeter Freddie Hubbard's 'Sing a
song of Songmy', which I was just loaned, and it's great;  solid cusp jazz
threaded together with mimaroglu's nightmarish tapes.  'give me love, so I
can kill'

keith hrvatski's working on mimaroglu reissues... in the meantime he's just
named his mailorder service after him, stay tuned here:

>i'm a big fan of repetition done well - _chiastic slide_ and _tri repetae_
>fit the bill for me.  i should have been more specific, though - gescom's
>tracks on the recent or comp (_md cd_, i think) remind me a lot of

if that's taken from the minidisc-only album, I agree, it's soaked in what
they've been listening to.  'chiastic slide' & 'envane' really grew on me,
but only after I finally got into the later stuff...

>i've always been happy with the one on fractal, but i'll be sure to a/b.
>thanks very much for the informative reply, jon.

you won't need to a/b, you'll know less than 60 seconds in.  tears your
neck away.  I'm also gearing up to buy the new paul dolden reissues...
that guy's stuff is important...

philo's hosting a comp of great mp3's here:


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