On Thu, Jan 23, 2003 at 01:28:19PM -0800, Steev Hise wrote:
> and isnt it more
> ridiculous that starbucks can trademark a shade of green? other
> incredible examples abound....
> smh
someone should send them a cease and desist communication regarding their use
of quant.
-- yours, niall. .. . . . . . . . . . aleph null. a simple insinuation around silence. see: http://www.vietnambla.com hear: http://radio.vietnambla.com.. .bebox.audio. .. playing now: bertrand burgalat - ok skorpios - the sssound of mmmusic playing next: chocolate overdose - 30 years ago - dingledoodies ---------------------------------------------------- Rumori, the Detritus.net Discussion List to unsubscribe, send mail to majordomoATdetritus.net with "unsubscribe rumori" in the message body. ---------------------------------------------------- Rumori list archives & other information are at http://detritus.net/contact/rumori ----------------------------------------------------
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