Mike, thank you for making sense out of my speculation and setting me
Personally, I've never noticed ANY consistent difference in sound quality
between CDs and MP3s recorded at or above 128kbs, and I've been listening
to most of music over the past few months on a nice monitor speaker rig.
I'd say most people, besides for not caring about sound quality, just can't
afford the HARDWARE that reveals the subtle differences in sound quality.
As for the Industry, they can always ADVERTISE a better product, but it
will ALWAYS cost more, and the value added might be minimal. What's the
deal with dataplay? Better quality; who cares? More music? Maybe I don't
need more. DVD-As probably can hold 8 CDDAs on one DVD but so can a CDR, if
the sounds are formatted in MP3.
So what's the Industry got to offer the Public that it already doesn't have
now? I guess if they all decided to STOP selling CDs and sell only DVD-As
I'd have to buy Brittney Spears new album on a more expensive format...
and, for some people, buy the Beatles catalog again...
Hmmm, nothing new,
The Sleepwalker <mikeATfree-music.com> on 03/27/2001 05:51:28 PM
Please respond to rumoriATdetritus.net
To: rumoriATdetritus.net
cc: (bcc: Dan Serkland/National/NISH)
Subject: [rumori] Re: Sound Quality was re: Napster-Proof CDs
Not even close for higher frequencies(above maybe 6KHz).
> which should be at least as good as CDDA. BTW, what exactly is the data
>rate for CDs? 44.1kbits/second doesn't sound right to me :^( Can anyone
>help here? I'm starting to talk out of my ass.)
44,100 samples/second * 16 bits per sample = 705600 bits per second (705.6
Still, you can't compare this data rate to that of mp3s. mp3s will always
lose temporal resolution. Each frame represents 1/30th of a second
regardless of bit rate. A 947364437843874637843 Kbps mp3 still can't have
the same temporal information that a wav file has. The 2 formats treat the
information completely differently. This is also contributes to why you
see a lot of improvement between say 96 and 164 Kbps, but hardly any from
maybe 192 to 320 kbps.
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