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dedicated to recycled culture
Detrivores Rhizome Archive Projects Contact and Discussion Help text   index
Help!! First time here? Don't know your way around? Hopefully this page will be of some assistance.

What is this place? is a new site devoted to a prevalant and yet rather progressive trend in art and music and culture in general. It has many names: appropriation, plagiarism, piracy, copyright infringement, even stealing. Cultural Recycling. Recombinant Art. Copy Culture. Sampling. Everyone does it, from Picasso to Portishead, Shakespeare to Chumbawamba. Of course now, with modern technology, its reaching new heights. There are many variations. Nothing is new, everything is permitted, ideas are free. That's what this site is about.

What do all these icons mean?

Detrivores Detrivores: One primary purpose of this site is to provide server space for artists and scholars that are concerned with the issues mentioned above. This is a place where they can gather and be present on the net, to trade ideas, to display what they've created.
RhizomeRhizome: There's a lot of information out there, on the net and in meatspace, concerning recycled culture, copyright infringement, intellectual property, collage, etc. This page provides links to other sites on the web that are relevant, as well as references to books and other media.
ArchiveArchive: A multimedia repository of recombinant art and critical studies examining appropriative works. This section, like most of the site, is embryonic, but will gradually grow and accumulate more materials. If you have submissions, be sure to contact us.
ProjectsProjects: The plan is to build some collaborative, interactive, plunderific webspaces, but this is still in the works. If you've got some ideas, let us know.
Contact and CommunicateContact & Communicate: Get in touch with us, please! Whether you need more information or have a tidbit of gossip about your favorite plagiarist, get in touch. If you're an artist who samples/appropriates/recycles, introduce yourself, we'd like to know about you! Coming Later: topical discussion forums, via mailing lists or possibly web-based conferencing - stay tuned for further developments.

text indexText Index: Consult this page for a quick reference to the page you need to get to, or if you're confined to a text-only browser or slow connection.

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"[A]rt is long, not infinite... One day we will use it up - unless we
		can learn to recycle it like any other finite resource."
		- Spider Robinson, "Melancholy Elephants"

copyleft (CC by-sa) Sharerights extended to all.