The People Behind VirComm
Viral Communications was founded in January 1993 by Cecil Q.
Resonator when he asked Steev Hise to be the Director of
Operations. However, no one has ever seen Dr. Resonator (VirComm Chief Scientist) and Mr.
Hise together in the same room.
Viral Communications is also
Node 023
UnderWorld Industries. Many thanx to UWI001 (Jon) for making the first version of this
VirComm WebSpace possible, and for all his other help and coolness.
Go To:
UWI's Web's Edge (The best Web site anywhere!)
Jon's personal pages: jon@kzsu.stanford.edu (he's
really an interesting guy, go ahead, take a look.)
Everybody Else
There's all sorts of other people who have been absolutely vital and incredibly
important to VirComm and all that it has accomplished. A digital monument will
be linked from here soon!
Send inquiries