"...a mix of industrial noise, pop radio ripoffs, John Cage-inspired madness, and just plain planned chaos." -Current magazine. 60 min. 10 trx.
"Unique and draining, Ears Under Siege is aptly named... confused and jaded lads trying to make something out of the commercials and urban ear pollution washing up on the shores of their minds... environmental collage and incidental prophecy." -Ed Stastny, Gateway. 60 min. 5 trx. (Link plays track sample, 244k.)
The birth of anti-jazz, stretching aural boundaries from hard groove to eclectic free improvisation. Experience spastic pointillism and sublime obscenity. 33 min. 6 trx.
A collection of Treetown's most far out noisemakers, ranging from quirky electro-folk to ambient brain-music. A great introduction to VirComm. 60 min. 12 trx. (Link gives info.)
High-risk, high-impact improvisation by members of Ears Under Siege and Kingdom of Not, who locked themselves in an attic for 3 days in December of 1992 and ended up with over 4 hours of digital recordings. No overdubs, all improv, and this is the best 60 minutes of it! 10 trx. (Link plays track sample, 220k.)
A collection of audio art composed between 1993 and 95. Recycled culture eats mass media manipulation, and power electronics vie with esoteric digital processes. Full color cover and extensive reference insert. 51 minutes, 7 trx.
Three wacky lads (Steev Hise, Joel Fox, Douglas Repetto) studying composition at CalArts go into the studio with broken machines, toys, and thrift store instruments to create 4 months worth of free improv and multitrack trickery. 60 minutes, 9 trx.
All titles were duplicated real time to chrome tapes and were available for US$4.00 each.
These items are no longer available as tangible objects. However, downloadable MP3 files of them will be available here soon.
All VirComm audio, including track excerpts found here, is
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