individual artist sites
• escape mechanism
• steev hise
• the tape-beatles
• wobbly
steev’s samples
Lanaguage Removal Services CD
The 7 Year Itch
field recordings in Amsterdam redlight district
Arther Lyman record
Australian horse-racing radio report
Brother Camping bible study radio broadcast
Carl Sandburg Story
classical music of thailand
crowd at Nuremburg rally
'Cyborgasm' CD
dean martin
drunk bum in Amsterdam
earthlink promo
Fred Astaire record
frog call tape
george w bush
german language lessons
gospel singers
Grosse Point Blank
hitler at Nuremburg rally
various infommercials
jimi hendrix, purple haze
led zeppelin, "good times, bad times"
'live nude girls unite'
Lolita (Stanley Kubrick)
martin denny
mcdonalds commercial sped up
mexican radio
old beat up 78 record
old radio play based on asimov story
Old treated accordion
john oswald interview on 'Brave New Waves'
otomo yoshihide
percussive swing record
pomp & circumstance
presidential debates
npr radio report about the internet
Revenge of the Nerds
ride of the valkyries
the beatles' 'Day in the Life' from sgt. peppers lonely hearts club band
shortwave radio
Silk Stockings
'the star spangled banner'
steve miller, The Joker
Strange Days (film)
interview with Erik Davis author of 'techgnosis'
George Cohen's "The Grand Old Flag"
the maxx
the sheltering sky
commercial for 'the X files'
The Zombies, 'Season of Loving'
Three Little Pigs
50s Winston cigarrette commercial
zombies, Season of Loving