Marzo 05, 2008
Enviro Border Vid Project Progressing
Here's a photo of me in the Lower Rio Grande River Valley shooting an interview for the project I'm doing for the Sierra Club on the environmental impacts of border infrastructure.

The project is really coming along. I just got back from another interview with a biologist here in Tucson, just a few blocks away from my house. It's funny that I've been from the Gulf to the Pacific on this project and also working right in my neighborhood.
Posted by steev at Marzo 5, 2008 12:24 PM
I'm gonna make a comment on this post since it wouldn't be accepted for the one below, about the power plant action in Florida.
My two cents is that these same folks also work day-in and day-out on these issues, many of them through NGOs and (some) through the government. The campaign in Florida against that power-plant does not just consist of Earth First! kids from out of town but also of many many local folks concerned about the environmental and health impacts of this plant in their backyards - likewise of those around the world concerned about the continuing development of fossil fuel-powered infrastructure despite what we know about global climate change. Usually, in these campaigns, it take a variety of efforts and tactics - including those mentioned in your post, Steev - in order to win.
So, really Steev, you sound like somebody with alot of privilege yourself sitting in your armchair deriding those who are putting their freedom on the line to try and make a difference, without really understanding the context within which that action was organized. And, if still you don't like what they did or think their tactics were foolish, well, don't give them money.