The federal police are apparently moving into the areas of Oaxaca City that have been controlled by the protesters. They have small tanks and lots of riot troops.
Apparently people are putting their bodies in front of the tanks. calling it "human rugs" in front of the tanks.
This is according to the live APPO radio stream coming from the University radio station there, which has been operated by protestors for some weeks.
The names of all 4 dead from Friday: Emilio Alonso Fabián,
Bradley Roland Will, Emilio Alonso Fabian,Esteban López Zurita.
a bunch of links to stuff:
I feel really helpless sitting here listening and reading, all i can do is cut and paste links while the goons roll in with their tanks and tear gas a thousand miles away. this is horrible. and I feel foolish. i read articles yesterday about Fox sending in these federal police and i optimistically believed "restoring lawfulness" and "stopping the violence" meant simply preventing the thugs and corrupt local police from further attacking the APPO protestors. but no, apparently it meant going in and finally smashing these brave people. how naive and gullible i still am.
Posted by steev at Octubre 29, 2006 12:20 PM