Junio 03, 2006

Early Monsoons

Usually in August there are quick, strong storms that sweep up from the Gulf of Mexico and create the most interesting weather of the year for Arizona. We are getting some of this a little early this week, for some reason. It's the strangest thing, the air whips itself into a fine froth of dust and water droplets, rainbows form, clouds of dirt and dark condensing vapor fill the sky, and the world is suffused in an eerie orange light.

Jessica told me that it's generally thought that early monsoons are a bad sign, that it will mean, in the long run, less water overall. It's already been super dry this year so that's not good news. But, I can say that it was really fun standing on my roof letting the sky pelt me with ice cold raindrops. the first real rain I've felt for a few months. It was over in 10 minutes.

Speaking of a little water, I was reading the latest issue of The Tucson Weekly, the most conservative, dysfunctional alternative weekly of any city or town I've ever lived in, and this week's is The Water Issue - The usual, to be expected hand-wringing about the drought. But I thought back to the Williamette Week, one of Portland's weeklies, which every year runs a special feature about the city's top 10 worst water wasters. Now this is in Western Oregon where there really is no shortage of water, but even so they publish this wonderfully pointed and entertaining investigative piece where they look up the county records and find what individuals is using the most water. It's invariably 10 very rich businessmen or politicians or doctors or lawyers, who always have some lame excuse like their lotus collection is very thirsty or something.

But anyway, why in hell doesn't the Tucson Weekly do something like that, here where water really really matters? Maybe it has to do with a difference in regulations which makes it harder to get teh information from teh country and city here. But I'm sure we could see some very embarrassing stats about some very powerful upperclass consumers.

Posted by steev at Junio 3, 2006 07:52 PM
You should email the Williamette Week to ask them what records they were looking at. I'm sure the data is also available in Tucson. After all, if I can get Tucson Water's Annual Report (http://tinyurl.com/zsxxx) then you can probably get the data you need to make a who's who list. Personally, I would, however, only fault those who have been able to rennovate or build new facilities in the last 10 or 15 years or so and chosen _not_ to conserve water. Posted by: Jose at Junio 3, 2006 10:03 PM
You are having premature rain, we're currently having unseasonably cold weather. It's early june and in the last week there were several days where it barely made it into the 'teens. Sounds like the weather worldwide is fucked up. At least from these two data points. Posted by: Allan at Junio 5, 2006 12:21 PM