Mayo 03, 2006

Narconews journos in Oaxaca Freed

the latest from NN:

We have just received word that Narco News Other Journalism
correspondents James Daria and Dul Santamaría and their colleagues
Moisés Altamirano Bustos, Hasavias López Cortés, Jessica Joseph
Daria, Hillary Chase Lowenbere and Andrew William Saltzman have been
released from police custody in Oaxaca City. The group had been
arrested on May 1, in an illegal attack by the Oaxacan authorities on
press freedom and the Other Campaign.

According to James Daria, the group was set free due to lack of
evidence against them and "because we had a lot of support and

More information on the case of our, and your, persecuted journalists
will be published soon in Narco News. Thanks goes out to all our
readers and allies who have offered their help and support during
these last two days.

Posted by steev at Mayo 3, 2006 10:46 AM