Abril 24, 2006
Dance, Monkeys
A nice little video about humans and what's wrong with them. I guess it's been going around the net quite a lot, so, sorry if you've already seen it. i'm not perfect. I'm just a monkey.
Posted by steev at Abril 24, 2006 06:48 AM
so close. and, yet no cigar. it would have been great if it had ended at the 20 second mark. but, no. firstly, monkeys are social animals. they fight — savagely — over their ranking and then, as gorups, they fight other groups of monkeys. over religion? no, over resources. what's religion? it's many things. this piece concerns itself with religion as a political instrument. in which case, it's the final justification for killing or enslaving or cheating other people so you can not pay them for — or have to share — their resources. i could go on. but the thing about how nobody who talks about Nietzsche says he was just a monkey tells me it's not worth getting too deep with this sophomore project. "What is the ape to man? A laughingstock or a painful embarrassment." Guess who said that and guess what his response would have been?
Yeah, you're totally right, and it's not a super great piecce. I still had to link to it, though. I mean, it's still worth seeing. if nothing else it's interesting that they used google images to find all the pics.