[Rumori] Detritus Update: fan fiction, fan film, and star wars

PeterALopez pl1x at earthlink.net
Wed May 18 12:57:44 PDT 2005

Ok some records need to be set straight before this one gets out of hand.  If you read the CNET article you will notice the replies happened pretty quick and we're very much against the premise of the article. 

One of theforce.net member wrote a rebuttal piece setting the record straighter:

and the author of the original CNET article wrote a response:
where he explains how some of the melarky came about.

Please read those before commenting.  but in the end this originally is/was kinda crap.

-----Original Message-----
From: stalliongsta at yahoo.com
Sent: May 18, 2005 3:44 PM
Cc: rumori at detritus.net
Subject: [Rumori] Detritus Update: fan fiction, fan film, and star wars

((((((((( Detritus Update: fan fiction, fan film, and star wars )))))))))

                              May 18, 2005


    henry jenkins is director of comparative media studies for MIT
    and was one of the first in the academic community to research
    fandom and fan culture, in particular fan-generated art such as
    fan fiction, fan films, and filk (fan-generated folk music).
    jenkins was recently interviewed on cnet regarding how
    companies such as lucasarts respond to fan films and similar
    phenomena.	for example, lucasfilms recently partnered with
    atomfilms to distribute independent star wars-related films,
    and even had an official fan film contest, but with some fairly
    strict rules: "You can only use these sounds we provide you,
    you can't use copyrighted materials and appropriate or
    recontextualize it, you can do parodies, but you can't do
    dramatic expansions of the "Star Wars" universe."



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