[Rumori] Re: Rumori Digest, Vol 25, Issue 13

stAllio! the original wanksta stalliongsta at yahoo.com
Tue May 17 15:09:47 PDT 2005

--- Jon Nelson <postconsumer01 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I'd love to do this. I could do a weekly post with the
> playlist from that week's episode of Some Assembly
> Required, and could add to that a little background on
> some of the artists, maybe even do a little feature of
> some kind. count me in. is it possible to upload
> photos and soundfiles to the blog? sorry, I'm new to
> the whole concept of "blogging" let us know when the
> new version (that Lloyd designed) is up and ready. 

yeah, i almost forgot, but i would definitely be interested in
participating in the rumori blog.  i can't promise i would post often,
but i could at least post when i come across interesting IP-related
stories, etc.

jon, while i'm not very familiar with movable type (the blogging
service currently used by the detritus blog; i've always used blogger),
i can verify that movable type does have a feature to upload files.  if
it works anything like blogger's upload feature, it's probably fairly
automatic and generates the html for you to link or embed your files,
as desired.  blogging interfaces are designed to be very user-friendly.

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