[Rumori] Detritus Update: Former Actor Awarded Millions for Use of his Photo

steev at detritus.net steev at detritus.net
Wed Feb 2 08:31:51 PST 2005

(( Detritus Update: Former Actor Awarded Millions for Use of his Photo ))

                           February 02, 2005




A man who suddenly noticed after 18 years that a photo taken of him is
on an instant coffee label has sued Nestle USA and <a title=""

Detritus.net condemns such an outrageous award.   One thing the article
does not explain is what sort of contract, if any, the man signed when
the photos were shot in 1986.  But in any case, 15.6 million is
completely unrealistic.  He obviously was not damaged in any way by the
unpermitted and unknown use of his visage, and the benefit he would
have received had proper permission been sought is nowhere near that
amount.  We support the proper compensation of all workers in all lines
of work, but this goes far beyond what anyone deserves.
">won millions of dollars.</a>	

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