[Rumori] Fwd: A 61 seconds song is too long

Michael Howes mhowes at baptismofsolitude.org
Fri Sep 17 00:53:17 PDT 2004

  since the list seems to have been dead many probably missed the following

>>  Tomorrow (Monday the 6th) on KZSU, 90.1 FM from 7 AM until 11:40 PM 
>> Pacific time we are going to try and play 1000 songs in 1000 minutes. Or 
>> something like that.
>>PSS for the geeks among you. I currently have planned 185 tracks that 
>>total 7934 seconds (132 minutes) that i'm splitting between my two slots.

  the final totals?

  time: 7 AM - 11:42 PM (1002 minutes)
  unique tracks: 1068
  unique artists: 862
  unique albums: 953
  unique labels: 625

   shredding like no other

PS To make this more relevant (though I find it interesting, as a DJ, the 
shorter the song gets the more like sample art it seems), here are some of 
the relevant artists I played, Faust, Coil, Cassetboy, Bob's Media Ecology, 
Big City Orchestra, Head and Leg, Dummy Run, CC Nova, People Like Us, 
Porest, Some More Crime, The Tape-Beatles, Vampire Rodents, Negativland, DJ 
Shadow, and Emcee Dubya vs DJs of Mass Destruction....umm I played all 
those artists in less than 15 minutes :)

PSS Surprisingly little grindcore was played

PSSS A full day long playlist can be found here. 
http://kzsu.stanford.edu/~dollarb/shortsongs.htm 1104 songs from 7 AM- 
11:42 PM.....hmm..I *just* now did the math, I thought were were better at 
not playing so many dupes.

PSSSS Next year I do speed first

PSSSSS A challenge was put out over the air, for a station to beat what we 
just did. Next year we are going to try for 2000 songs in 1000 minutes!

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