[Rumori] failure leads to ... a new blog for media-mashers

David Goldschmidt david at personify.tv
Sun Oct 10 16:15:09 PDT 2004

I have made a few attempts to promote media-mashing to a more mainstream 
audience.  The San Francisco Mediatrip Competition was a bust.  It 
received some interest and plenty of kind words but it was a bust 

I love the media-mashing "genre" and, as a FAIR USE activist, it's my 
personal mission to promote it as much as possible.  The final "product" 
does not always impress but the act of mashing always impresses me.

Personally, I felt empowered the first time I ripped and remixed 
something from television.

I understand that reading and writing is "fundamental" ... but in a 
culture absolutely dominated by multimedia communication, are you really 
literate if you cannot express yourself the same way?  Are you part of 
the conversation?  Is your voice reaching anyone?

My new blog is called "Media trips" and it promotes artists and 
producers who sample (remix) popcultre.  Here is the url: 

Finally, if you would like me to promote your favorite media-masher then 
email me.  My blog may be new but mediatrips.com has been around awhile 
and gets decent traffic.  Hope to hear from you.

david goldschmidt
david at mediatrips.com

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