[Rumori] Reagan Rock

Darren Wershler-Henry darren at alienated.net
Mon Jun 7 14:43:28 PDT 2004

The Ramones, "Bonzo Goes to Bitburg"
DOA, "Fucked Up Ronnie"
Frankie Goes to Hollywood, "Two Tribes"
Minutemen, "If Reagan Played Disco"
Loudon Wainright III, "Talking Ronald Reagan Blues"

On 6/6/04 4:06 PM, "e.rodney. jones" <erodneyjones at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Greetings.
> I'm looking for some good recs on audio material of
> "our" now-deceased ex-president, RR. I'm planning to
> incorporate this material into a radio show I'll be
> doing later this week (on KALX in Berkeley CA). Anyone
> got any ideas (and sources)? I'm thinking of either
> works that use his voice or straight audio that I
> would be able to use (from all points in his career).
> I'm especially looking for a copy (in any format) of
> this thing released on LP long ago: "Ronald Reagan
> Speaks Out Against Socialized Medicine". Anyone got a
> copy of this?
> I'm also interested in recs of songs about him, not
> necc. involving his sounds (i.e. Suicidal Tendencies'
> "I Shot Reagan," Crucifucks' "Hinckley had a Vision,"
> DKs, Reagan Youth, etc. Any hip hop? Any *pro* Reagan
> music, recordings?
> On or off list.
> Thanks
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Darren Wershler-Henry
darren at alienated.net

"George Jones is a funky motherfucker."
--Ray Charles

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