[Rumori] Reagan Rock

niall munnelly aleph at aleph-null.net
Mon Jun 7 11:34:47 PDT 2004

On Mon, Jun 07, 2004 at 01:24:13PM -0400, Carrie McLaren wrote:
> I have a HILARIOUS mp3 about drug use that someone made by cutting up 
> recordings of Ron & Nancy Reagan. I need to find it, but I'll post it 
> online (probably on the illegal-art.org site) as soon as I do...


they do one better and provide the video - it looks a *lot* nicer than my
crappy 5th generation vhs bootleg.

.. .  .   .    .     .       .           .             .                 .
aleph null.                             a simple insinuation around silence.

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