[Rumori] anti-michael moore site attacks f9/11 by postingbootlegcopy

matt davignon mattdavignon at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 1 12:21:00 PDT 2004

Haha, I'd like to see this in the presidential election.

Bush: "Well, if Kerry thinks he's so great, let's see HIM run the country 
for a while. I'll be voting for him, and if he wants to sue me for it, he 
knows where to find me." (not an actual bush quote)

>From: stAllio! the original wanksta <stalliongsta at yahoo.com>

>Moore has stated he supports downloading of his work to spread the
>message.  His fans spent weeks telling us the same thing when we
>sponsored the “Release The Movie” project (which is dead after the
>crash, and may or may not come back depending on the author’s wishes).
>Let’s see if Moore really wants this to be about the work and NOT the
>Steal this movie.  Promote this torrent link everywhere.  Let’s get as
>many people to see this for themselves, and for free, as we can.
>Mikey, if you want to sue me, I’m not hard to find.

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