[Rumori] Rage&Holy
Ivan Bachev
navmemo at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 20 05:20:56 PST 2004
I like taking captures from the work process and
share the result, lately I rely on basic
statement as that the "re" idea "could fully
unfold nowadays - you have access to already
existing music and you can use it as
source-database to be recontextualized".
In this work process I rely on old techniques of
sound manipulation - taking a whole, butchering
it, messing its layers, up/down sampling,
The album comes as a two CD's pack - separated as
two approaches - rage and holy.
They are result of real time preprocessing
already existing music with "Ei", kind of
soundtoy I developed (as a stand alone win
application and as PD patch to be platform
independent and easy updateable ). Start playing
with "Ei" - browsing folders for mp3 files, pass
through the loaded file, dis or re ordering it,
and thus createing something new out of it...
I am not aware of the legal issue, and do not
relate nor emphasize on that at all. Thus they
are not plunderphony, sample abuse or collages,
rather they are replicas and recontextualization.
For sure there are much better examples of that
culture you might listen - the people hardly
involved in, like People like us, John Oswald,
Carl Stone, V/VM, Hard Off, etc. but just it is
my development, what I produced and decided to
present and share.
Often such works are perceived as sarcasms, but
you will find out it is not necessary so.
Holy - ogg files
Rage - ogg files
Õàðåñâà ìè äà ïðàâÿ captures íà ïðîöåñà ìè íà
ðàáîòà, íàïîñëåäúê ñå îñëàíÿì íà òâúðäåíèÿ êàòî
òîâà, ÷å "ðå" èäåÿòà"ìîæå äà ñå ðàçãúðíå íàïúëíî
ñåãà êîãàòî èìàìå äîñòúï äî âå÷å ñúùåñòâóâàùà
ìóçèêà - äà áúäå èçïîëçâàíà êàòî ðåñóðñ áàçà
êîÿòî äà áúäå ðåêîíòåêñòóàëèçèðàíà"
 òîçè ïðîöåñ ðàç÷èòàì íà ñòàðè òåõíèêè çà
çâóêîâà ìàíèïóëàöèÿ - âçèìàíå íà öÿëî,
ðàçïàð÷åòÿâàéêè ãî, ðàçáúðêâàéêè ñëîåâåòå,
up/down sampling, ãðàíóëèðàíå.
Àëáóìúò èäâà êàòî ïàêåò îò 2 äèñêà - ðàçäåëåíè
êàòî äâà ïîäõîäà - ãíÿâ è ñâÿòîñò.
Òå ñà ðåçóëòàò îò ïðåðàáîòâàíå ñ "Ei", (íåùî êàòî
soundtoy êîéòî íàïðàâèõ (êàòî stand alone win
àïëèêàöèÿ è êàòî PD patch çà äà áúäå íåçàâèñèìî
îò ïëàòôîðìàòà è ëåñíî çà update) â ðåàëíî âðåìå
íà âå÷å ñúùåñòâóâàùà ìóçèêà. Çàïî÷âàì äà ñè èãðàÿ
ñ "Ei" - áðàóçâàì çà mp3 ôàéëîâå, ïðåìèíàâàì ïðåç
òÿõ, ïðåïîäðåæäàì ãè... òàêà ñúçäàâàì íåùî íîâî
îò òÿõ...
Íå ñå àíãàæèðàì ñ âúïðîñè çà copyright, ëåãàëíîñò
è ò.í. è íå íàáëÿãàì íà òÿõ. Òàêà òåçè íåùà êîèòî
ñúì íàïðàâèë íå ñà plunderphony, çëîóïîòðåáà ñúñ
ñåìïëè èëè êîëàæè, ïî ñêîðî ñà ðåïëèêè è
Ñúñ ñèãóðíîñò èìà ìíîãî ïî äîáðè ïðèìåðè îò òàçè
êóëòóðà êîèòî áèõòå ìîãëè äà ÷óåòå - õîðàòà
ñâúðçàíè çäðàâî ñ òîâà, êàòî - People like us,
John Oswald, Carl Stone, V/VM, Hard Off, è ò.í.
íî ïðîñòî òîâà å êîåòî ñúì íàïðàâèë, ìîåòî
ðàçâèòèå êîåòî èñêàì äà ïðåäñòàâÿ è ñïîäåëÿ.
×åñòî òàêèâà ïîäõîäè ñå ïðèåìàò êàòî ñàðêàçìè, íî
ùå ÷óåòå, ÷å íå å çàäúëæèòåëíî.
Holy - ogg ôàéëîâå
Rage - ogg ôàéëîâå
Ivan Bachev
Boyadjik str. 2a
Yambol 8600 Bulgaria
tel: + 359 46 259 04
e-mail: navmemo at yahoo.com
web: http://nml.cult.bg/~bachev
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