[Rumori] my tedious journey through the brave new copyright world

matt davignon mattdavignon at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 5 17:02:55 PST 2004

When I was in college, my "20th Century Music" teacher made mix tapes of the 
relevant work, and left them in the library. The library had tape copy 
machines which could be used by the students.

I'm surprised nobody has mentioned this yet, but wouldn't distributing the 
works for the purposes of education be the definition of "Fair Use", even if 
it was by mp3?

>From: "Sam Stephens" <tangent at inspire.net.nz>
>Reply-To: "Detritus discussion list." <rumori at detritus.net>
>To: brainstone at yifan.net,"Detritus discussion list." <rumori at detritus.net>
>Subject: Re: [Rumori] my tedious journey through the brave new copyright 
>Date: Fri, 06 Feb 2004 13:51:51 +1300
>On 5 Feb 2004 at 10:10, stephen hastings-king wrote:
> > list comrades!
> > 4. what are the alternatives?  i was going to ask the students to buy a
> > bunch of cds, but even at a place like this one, there are limits to
> > how much i can ask the students to pay for a given class--for example,
> > the jazz class is using a textbook that has its virtues (mark gridley's
> > jazz styles) most of which are counterbalanced by the extortionate
> > price ($80.-)...library reserve might be an option, but it imposes real
> > constraints on the utility of the music as a form of ear training...so
> > these restrictions on access seem primarily as yet another pressure
> > that reinforces the class divisions within a given student population...
> >
>While I was at jazz school the school had a huge library of CDs - I heard a 
>huge amount of
>good music while I was there because of this... could this be an option for 
>your course?
>postmoderncore website (w/ mp3s & art)
>  http://www.postmoderncore.com
>Richie Rhinestone and the Insatiable Opium Cowboys new album "I ain't never 
>been to
>heaven, but I hear they've got a real good bar"
>  http://www.postmoderncore.com/music-opiumcowboys.html
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