[Rumori] Fox : Home of unbiased reportage...

matt davignon mattdavignon at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 3 23:14:20 PST 2004

It's like having their very own Rush Limbaugh. I'm sure Fox titled the 
segment as "opinion" or "editorial". It certainly adds to his credibility 
that he came up with a catchy nickname to call the BBC - "the beeb" - and he 
doens't suggest any motive for their frothy anti-americanism. It must be all 
that freedom we have.

Wait a minute.... isn't that Senator Kelley? Shouldn't he be talking about 
locking away mutants or something? I thought he turned into water!

>>>bb> Embarrassing.  Just keep in mind that Murdoch has raped and pillaged 
>>>the media in the UK as well as here...
>>>(Though I have to say, this one is up there with some of my favorite 
>>>moments of Fox distortion and manipulation.)
>>>At 14:24 02/03/2004 +0000, you wrote:
>>>>even my own huge (english) reserves of irony are failing me....
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