[Rumori] Walmart sued for selling a cd with the word "fuck" onit.

Beatsystem beatsystem at lineone.net
Wed Dec 15 00:50:52 PST 2004

> Isn't it ultimately SOny/BMG's responsibility to label the explicit
> releases tho'?

Not when it comes to Wal-mart - Labels will often now release a "wal-mart 
edit" just so they will carry the offending album. What is it now, something 
like 17% of a potential american top 10 releases sales will come from 
wal-mart? - sufficient reason for a label to issue an edit, and also, 
logically, sufficient reason for a consumer to expect all Wal-mart 
sanctioned discs to be "clean". Ooops.

For once, he who lives by the sword....well, will at least get poked a bit 
in return ;)

The lawyer knows he has a case though, hence the gung-ho, "state by state" 
attitude. We'll see how long it takes for them to get beaten down and 
settled out of court....not very long, imho...heh.



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