[Rumori] Detritus Update: Special U2 vs. Negativland iPod for sale on Ebay

PeterALopez pl1x at earthlink.net
Fri Dec 3 13:35:58 PST 2004

I still find this piece a great initial thought but a wasted opportunity in the end.   the fact that the creator could have made a statement about copyright by OFFERING THE U2 single.  (using the u2 single as part of a donation scheme could be viewed as selling and that would have made this "a part of intellectual property history today!")   in essense this ipiddle continues the copyright system that some of us believe is faulty.  but it also makes it worse by providing some legitimacy to the price gouging the iPod system delivers.  buy a song for the overpriced CD price except we'll save money on shipping and manufacturing.  the only thing U2-ie about this iPod is the images of the band on the cover, you get ZERO u2 material on the u2iPod.  you do get a coupon, though, and that makes everything hunky-dori.

--small print--
"Cost of materials for iPod U2 vs. Negativland Special Edition is $449.50; this amount will be deducted from the final auction price before the donation to Downhill Battle is made. "

current bid: US $449.44

remember i'm crazy, and thanks for not reading.

-----Original Message-----
From: steev at detritus.net
Subject: [Rumori] Detritus Update: Special U2 vs. Negativland iPod for sale	on Ebay
((( Detritus Update: Special U2 vs. Negativland iPod for sale on Ebay )))
                           December 03, 2004
    An auction on eBay announces the availability of a unique,
    unauthorized version of the iPod, marking a bold new work in
    the field of consumer-experience as art (and critical statement
    about intellectual property). From the auction description:
    With the recent...

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