praemedia at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 16 12:55:02 PDT 2004
DIAGRAM is an electronic magazine of text, art,
schematic, and (as of recently) sound. Aside from our
online presence (which receives well over 30,000 hits
a month), we publish a periodic print anthology
(available through Amazon, our website, and fine
bookstores) as well as a chapbook series.
Throughout its monthly 2004 issues, DIAGRAM will
publish audio art exploring the intersection of text,
language, sound. This is a call for
artists/musicians/writers working in sound to submit
audio pieces for consideration.
Please take the time to peruse the journal prior to
submission. Submissions may include field recordings,
abstraction, spoken word, electronic or acoustic
music, [insert any other shorthand description of
sound exploration you please], or any combination
thereof, so long as it addresses in some way, our
interests: In oddness. In representations. In naming.
In indicating. In the way that meaning happens within
rule-governed systems. In schematics. In the labeling
and taxonomy of things. In the phenomenal distance
between sound and source. In sound work that engages
in dialog; takes language or poetry or narrative as
its subject, object, or referent, master or servant;
addresses the language at the morpheme, phoneme,
handsign, lips and tongue-level. WE VALUE the insides
of things, vivisection, urgency, risk, elegance,
flamboyance, work that moves us, language that does
something new, or does something old--well. We like
iteration and reiteration. Ruins and ghosts.
Mechanical, moving parts, balloons, and frenzy.
WE WANT sound pieces that engage the mechanics of
meaning/poetry; the processes / of things, both inner
and outer; of sound-image, confused, manipulated and
otherwise; pieces that demonstrate rather then
explain; point and uncover rather than demolish; how
things become. How they expire. How they move or
churn, or stand. Send us sound analogous to
annotations, schematics, poems, sentence diagrams,
definitions. Translate into/from sound.
Please adhere to the following instructions when
submitting work for consideration. Also, while our
aesthetic and conceptual interests are broad,
submitted work must seek to engage or address
text/language in some way.
Submissions must be received by May 31, 2004. Please
limit pieces to
3-4 minutes in length. Audio vignettes and cameos.
We prefer electronic submissions (mp3) but will accept
data files on
CD-Rs, too (.wav, .aif, or high resolution stereo
Send zipped high resolution stereo mp3 files to
earache at thediagram.com
All submissions should be accompanied by a brief
artist's bio and a 'statement of intent' addressing
the sound work.
Sound Art Submissions
c/o Shannon Fields
497 Sixth Avenue, 2R
Brooklyn, NY 11215
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