David meme david at locarecords.com
Mon Sep 8 12:12:25 PDT 2003


We are an Open Source/Art Libre record label based in Brighton, in the 

We have been going for quite a while and are seeking to widen awareness 
of our project and also call for musicians and writers to contribute to 
our release 'Stick To What You Don't Know' which will be a journal 
concentrating on Open Source Culture and Art Libre along with a DVD 
containing Open Source music and videos and a CD album featuring Open 
Source releases from a variety of artists. We are looking to release 
this next year in 2004.

More information is available at:


We have come across a fair number of people setting up open music 
projects but rather than being purely virtual, we take a great deal of 
pride in *actually* releasing onto physical Vinyl and CD. So yes you 
can buy our music in the shops. And you can read the Open Source/Art 
Libre license to know how free you are to do what you like with it as 
we supply the license with every copy!!

We look forward to any comments or suggestions,




L O C A   R E C O R D S
Stick to What You Don't Know™


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