[Rumori] popautomate

Steev Hise steev at detritus.net
Fri May 16 13:19:11 PDT 2003

This is a really cool web audio project. the artists have
collected and snipped and sorted individual words from pop songs.
you can search for words and play them back, or give a sentence
and it will construct an mp3 of the sentence, or as much of it as
it can based on the words it can find.



Steev Hise, Recovering Jaded Hipster
steev at detritus.net	   http://detritus.net/steev
*Recycled Culture: detritus.net   *Recordings: phonophilia.com
*Want Peace? Stop Paying for War:  warresisters.org/wtr_menu.htm
"After 16 hours of fighting communists and anarchists, a Red Bull
can help us go another 16 hours. We're here as long as they are."
	- Sergeant Rene Laprevotte, San Francisco Police, 3/21/03

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