Dina Emerson dnaemerson at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 27 18:27:10 PDT 2003

--- rumori-request at detritus.net wrote:
> Send Rumori mailing list submissions to
> 	rumori at detritus.net
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> 	http://detritus.net/mailman/listinfo/rumori
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> 	rumori-request at detritus.net
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> 	rumori-owner at detritus.net
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Rumori digest..."
> This is the latest digest for the Rumori list.
> Today's Topics:
>    1. out of office >>> out of office >>> out of office >>> out of
>       office	>>> [Rumori] o (Iain Forsyth)
>    2. out of office >>> out of office >>> out of office >>>
>       [Rumori] out of	office >>> o (Iain Forsyth)
>    3. out of office >>> out of office >>> out of office >>>
>       [Rumori] out of	office >>> o (Iain Forsyth)
>    4. out of office >>> out of office >>> out of office >>> out of
>       office	>>> [Rumori] o (Iain Forsyth)
>    5. out of office >>> out of office >>> out of office >>> out of
>       office	>>> [Rumori] o (Iain Forsyth)
>    6. out of office >>> [Rumori] out of office >>> out of office
>       >>> out of	office >>> o (Iain Forsyth)
> Message: 1
> Date: 27 Jul 2003 13:40:51 +0100
> From: Iain Forsyth <iforsyth at mutehq.co.uk>
> Subject: out of office >>> out of office >>> out of office >>> out
> of
> 	office	>>> [Rumori] o
> To: Iain Forsyth <QM_RULE_MGR_iforsyth at mutehq.co.uk>,	Detritus
> 	discussion list"." <rumori at detritus.net>
> Message-ID: <030727.134051 at mutehq.co.uk>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> I am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If your message
> is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wed
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: 27 Jul 2003 13:40:51 +0100
> From: Iain Forsyth <iforsyth at mutehq.co.uk>
> Subject: out of office >>> out of office >>> out of office >>>
> 	[Rumori] out of	office >>> o
> To: Iain Forsyth <QM_RULE_MGR_iforsyth at mutehq.co.uk>,	Detritus
> 	discussion list"." <rumori at detritus.net>
> Message-ID: <030727.134051 at mutehq.co.uk>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> I am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If your message
> is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
> Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If
> your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk
=== message truncated ===

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