out of office >>> out of office >>> out of office >>> [Rumori] out of office >>> o

Iain Forsyth iforsyth at mutehq.co.uk
Sun Jul 27 13:35:29 PDT 2003

I am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk

Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk

Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk

Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk

Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk

Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk

Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk

Thanks, IainI am out of the office until Wednesday 6th August. If your message is urgent, please contact jgordon at mutehq.co.uk

Thanks, Iaindas wrote:
> how loopy can it get ??
I was half-considering setting up another Yahoo account (that would be subscribed to Rumori, of course) which would auto-forward all mail that it received to our good friend Iain... but that would just be cruel. (Multiple auto-replies to his endless auto-replies! Hooray!)


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