[Rumori] lars owns the chords of E and F

Brian Flemming vagrant at slumdance.com
Fri Jul 18 18:13:53 PDT 2003

It's an amazing hoax.

I posted a link to the story on my blog with the note, "It's funny  
'cause it's (almost) true..." and that *still* wasn't enough to clue  
people in. I got emails expressing outrage at Metallica's arrogance and  
a ping from another blogger who thought it was real.


Still, for my own reasons, I don't think a hoax has really succeeded  
until it causes the Korean stock market to lose $3 billion.



Brian Flemming
email: vagrant at slumdance.com
blog: http://www.slumdance.com/blogs/brian_flemming/

On Friday, July 18, 2003, at 05:02  PM, Steev Hise wrote:

> on Wed, 16 Jul 2003 Every Man told me:
> ->you do realize this is a hoax, right?
> wow, it's amazing how fast and far this hoax spread.
> how great.
> i believed it for a few seconds, but i did think it was kinda
> wierd that all the URLs were at "scoopthis.com"
> here's Unfaith's explanation:
> http://www.unfaith.net/pages/hoax/
> smh
> Steev Hise .  steev at detritus.net . http://detritus.net/steev
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