[Rumori] Illegal Art show article in today's Salon

Steev Hise steev at detritus.net
Fri Jul 18 14:48:20 PDT 2003

on Thu, 17 Jul 2003 Carrie McLaren told me:

->I know this is probably going to sound anal, but Salon has really
->been struggling to stay afloat. The only thing that keeps them going
->is money from subscribers. You can always read the article without
->paying if you spend a few seconds watching an ad, so it's not like
->you have to subscribe to read it.

Well, could someone at least post the URL, i can't find the damn
thing.  Or do you want to provide salon.com with a complete
clickthrough trail along with the accompanying ad impressions?



Steev Hise .  steev at detritus.net . http://detritus.net/steev
"The truth is that the world isn't going to end.  It has ended."
            -Craig Dremann

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