[Rumori] Fw: [plnderphonia] Fw: Lars now owns all music

PeterALopez pl1x at earthlink.net
Wed Jul 16 14:01:11 PDT 2003

sorry the text of the fowarded message didn't send.  here it is:

Metallica Sues Band Over Usage Of E, F Chords
According to MTV.com, Metallica are suing independant Canadian rockers Unfaith over what they call "unsanctioned usage of two chords [Metallica] have been using since 1982 : E and F."

"People are going to get on our case again for this, but try to see it from our point of view just once," stated drummer Lars Ulrich. He adds that they're not saying they own the two chords, individually - "that would be ridiculous" - just that in that specific order, people have grown to associate E, F with their music, and their continued usage in the same song causes "confusion, deception and mistake in the minds of the public."

You can read the whole surreal article here.

Metallica.com has issued an official statement on the subject here.

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