[Rumori] Me=Jerk

Tim Maloney nakedrabbit at earthlink.net
Sun Dec 21 23:46:59 PST 2003

So we talked at length this summer via the computer about me helping 
out with your new radio show, but I haven't exactly come up with 
anything yet, have I?  I've got a lengthy list of really plausible 
excuses, all of which are true, and all of which would probably make 
you feel I was perfectly justified in the indolent behaviour, but the 
truth is that I just suck and don't have my priorities straight, nor 
my work habits properly governed.

Is there a chance that my input is still invited?  If so, and you 
haven't written me completely off, are there specifics?  Like how it 
should be made and how it should be sent to you?  I wait, 

Yr pal,
Naked Rabbit P.O. Box 36673 LA CA 90036 ||||| http://www.nakedrabbit.com

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