dedicated to recycled culture |
From time to time, presents live performances by Detrivores and related arists.Upcoming:
February 27, 8pm, The New Space, Portland, Oregon: Blood and Oil, an evening of anti-war video and film pieces. Pieces include work by Werner Herzog, Steev Hise, Karl Lind, The White Ring, and The Guerrilla News Network.
Each month presents an evening of electronic music at The Luggage Store Gallery in San Francisco.
Past Events:
- Past electronic nights at The Luggage Store, San Francisco
- September 8, 2000: Steev Hise and Bob Boster live at Canterbury House, in Ann Arbor Michigan. More info...
- November 12, 1999: Detritus presents An evening of appropriation and recombination at Art Rattan in Oakland, California.
- April 1999: 2 shows in Southern California featuring Mister Meridies and Steev Hise.
- December 1998: 2 shows at Cosmos in San Francisco, with Steev Hise, Wobbly, Mr. Meridies, People Like Us and the Jet Black Hair People.
"[A]rt is long, not infinite... One day we will use it up - unless we can learn to recycle it like any other finite resource." - Spider Robinson, "Melancholy Elephants"
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