RR5 is but one month away, gang!
Saturday, March 15th, 4 PM - well into Sunday morning.
Please be creative with your interpretations of the word
"religion," in what you wear, or perform, or bring to trade.
Need volunteer bartenders, hosts, and we need at least
one designated priest for the "confessional" which we will
most likely be video taping.
Thanks for those who have responded to my email asking
for performers. Looks like we've picked up a couple new
Can anyone PLEASE bring a data video projector?
Here's the 99.9% FINAL performance schedule:
4 PM Mayhem
6 PM Quahogs
9 PM David Dixon's Trivia
9.5 PM Klarc Quent
10 PM Dan Serkland
11 PM Varian Shepherd
12 AM <cops probably give us a warning> <a little deaf> <collage movie
viewing> <acoustic>
1 AM Transcendors
2.AM Nagoya Math Journal
3 AM Being Generic and/or ECC
4 AM -> Possibly more Quahogs, Mayhem, DJ'ing, etc.
Remember, bring something to trade!
Every Man every.manATpressthebutton.com
Press The Button, Midnight - 3 am Monday Mornings EST
WRUW, 91.1 FM, Cleveland, OH [Phone 216.368.2208]
NETCAST http://www.wruw.org
HOMEPAGE http://www.pressthebutton.com
ICQ# 20100376
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