[rumori] Illegal+arts Prosthetic Limb Duplicate Protective Rubber Sole (for grip, understanding, traction and monetary instability)

Date: Fri Nov 22 2002 - 18:21:24 PST

Sorry if this is a repeat, but i got some errors the first time around...

:: Disclaimer
Warning: -For controversial reasons, if you are affiliated with any
government, police, investigative, ANTI-Piracy Group, RIAA, MPAA, Universal,
Fox, Illegal-Arts, Stay Free!, ECC, Spin17, Negland, any other movie
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distribution company or group, or any other related group, or were formally a
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Please leave. I do not take responsibility for anything that this site has to
offer, or facilitizes. Anything learned from this site is false, and shall not
be used in any way against anyone, even me. Got (Sp)it? ptwwwwwww....
------------Stolen & Modified from VCDQuality.com
.......>> Paracydic Audiofony L33ches <<.......
............._Unfortunately Present_.............
     _ ____ __ ___ __
    (_) / /__ __________ / / / | _____/ /_
   / / / / _ \/ _ / __ \/ / / /| | / ___/ __/
  / / / / __/ /_/ / /_/ / / / ___ |/ / / /_
 /_/_/_/\___/\__ /\__/_/_/ /_/ |_/_/ \__/
             __/ / Live AT thee Tonic, NYSeeUl8tr
            /__[ZuperBlackHoles ov Plunderfonics]
.........Bootlegging the Hard Work of............
-------->Underaged Appropriated Gadget Propaganda
02..Evolved Convoluted Company...................
---------->Carefully Notated, Cross-Referenced, &
--------------------------->Footnoted Beat Poetry
03..Jesus Mudclay & Narc Hoser...................
--------->Extremely Tame Turntable Techniques for
--------->LOL Cognizant Abilities (Tards & Tarts)
.................../ ________ -[]--. \.........
................../ ,-' `-. \ \........
................./ ( o ) _) \.......
................/ `-._________,-'_ /_/-.\......
.............../ __ _ " " " \ hjw.
.............................rELEASE n!MPhO p0rn:
........Source : miniDV : First Table on the Left
.......................Location : 107 Norfolk St.
..................Performance Date : Nov 18, 2002
.....................Turn Around : 4D:15H:36M:18S
......................Files : 92 (34 mp3, 58 jpg)
....Listenable : 2H:15M:47S AT 128VBR LAME encoded
...............3y3 C4ndi : 320x240dpi 50% quality
.................................phuck : Snuggles
......124.3 megs + 1.4 megs = lots of wasted time
...................Abusing the Power of thee 8500
...Plunderphonic Quota : Exceeding Maximum Levels
..............Quality : Close Enough for the Beta
...........) In Conjunction With (.............
...( It's My Child's Free Time coProductions )...
..(In co-association w/ "What Can You Do" Inc.)..
...........Deny, Inveigle, Obfuscate.............
..............I Am Not Your Father...............
oh that's right you need the link to the website:
----------Disseminate In Perpetuity--------------
Instructions for the computer illiterate:........
...Go to webpage mentioned above, by clacking....
...like a duck at the link on the screen.........
...After a few minutes of this, try click with...
...your mouse on the link. Once at the website,..
...look but don? touch. listen to the jpgs.....
...and look at the mp3s after you print out......
...the binary raw data. rinse repeat............
m4n!F2S70 'o'<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>l4^^0 3|3373 3xP3R!m3n7a1z P1uN9r'D 1nph0 n0rp
(Bootlegging the best of the worst...............
......................of the worst of the best,..
..except for V/Vm since they don't come to NYC;..
......................................since 2001)
The soundtrack for this e-mail was by:...........
.........Cassette Boy : "Suck the Corporate Cock"
.......... ____________________________..........
..________| |_______..
..\ | This Space for Sale | /..
...\ | 2 Spammers | /...
.../ |____________________________| \...
-------------- rinse - repeat ---------------
----------Disseminate In Perpetuity--------------
....(_) / /__..__________../ /./ |.._____/ /_..
.../ / / / _ \/ _ / __ \/ /./ /| |./ ___/ __/..
../ / / / __/ /_/ / /_/ / /./ ___ |/ /../ /_....
./_/_/_/\___/\__ /\__/_/_/./_/..|_/_/...\__/....
.............__/ /..Live AT thee Tonic, NYSeeUl8tr
............/__[ZuperBlackHoles ov Plunderfonics]
........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ....
 ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...
  .... .... .... .... .... ..
   .. .. .. .. .. .

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    Y88888888888 88b d888888888P
     Y8888888888b, 888b d888888888P
      "88888888888888888888888b 888888888888888"
             `"Y8888888888888888888888P"' Normand
                 ``""YY88888888PP""'' Veilleux

cc : rumoriATdetritus.net, snugglesATkuci.org, plunderphoniaATyahoogroups.com

PS. hummmm?now that I? looking at the page at work I should lighten up many
of the jpgs? I?l only do that if I get any complaints. Heck just crank up
the contrast/brightness on your monitor.

PPS. Shehu Sani of the Kaduna-based Civil Rights Congress told The Associated
Press he watched a crowd stab a young man, force a petrol-filled tyre around
his neck and burn him alive. Sani said he saw three other bodies elsewhere in
the city.

PPPs. I? tired of waiting for my 56k, but at the moment of this message being
sent the first 25 tracks should be up and available for dl by me only; you
read the Disclaimer correct?, the rest are at the mercy of my 56k at home, so
if they don? appear in the next 12 hours I?l re-upload them tomarrow (23nd
EST) night.
------------ brainwash - repeat -------------
----------Disseminate In Perpetuity--------------
Did you not read the Disclaimer YRU still reading?
>>>>>>I usually leave these kind of things<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>for myself; for about month<<<<<<<<<<<

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