Re: [rumori] Re: Quick Question - "junk music"

From: Steev Hise (
Date: Thu Aug 15 2002 - 09:30:58 PDT

on Wed, 14 Aug 2002 told me:

>Besides Culturcide who else was there?

culturcide is the first thing i thought of too. there's also
xper.xr, from Hong Kong, and the good ol' japanese noise band,
The Hanatarash (tho they added lots of noise and other
instruments too).

i don't know why it would be called "junk music". maybe the
asker of the question is thinking of something else entirely
that none of us have ever heard. Jon if you find out anything
else from them i'd be interested in hearing.

of the stuff mentioned above, and the whole concept - the
more i think about it the more i like it as a particularly savage
attack on pop music. so simple but so hilarious, just to sing or
play along with a boombox, it somehow amplifies the banality of
most pop music, while at the same time claiming it as the new
singer's own.

off on a tangent, i'm also reminded of how The Residents did an
early album by playing along with other music (Beatles, i think?)
on one track of a multitrack. once they were done they left the
original out of the mixdown. i wonder if some lawyer some day
will decide that that sort of thing is infringement. probably,
even though it's quite literally just building on the past, like
all creativity.

standing on the shoulders of giants will one day get you knocked
off and stomped on. heh.


Steev Hise, Automagickal Adept
*Recycled Culture:
*At least just for the month of August:
 don't drive, bike:
"Them as has, gits."
                -Southern saying

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