Re: [rumori] radio variety

From: Peter Lasell (
Date: Thu Aug 15 2002 - 07:11:22 PDT

...what about pirate radio? while i only know of it from
the web, I get the impression its a breeding ground for
new artists and genres (albiet club music) in europe.
here in brooklyn, we have one pirate station (free103)
that can be heard within a 4 block radius, and it gets
shut down with some frequency.

vicki, finally heard the "hate people like us"
remix disk on soleilmoon, good stuff. thanks.


--- Vicki Bennett <> wrote:
> Hiii
> >Where I grew up, there was only the top 40 station, the classic rock
> >station, and the lite 70's station. Out of all the "indie" stations,
> >KPFA is the only one I can get in regularly, and they're mostly
> >talk. I only get KALX about 25% of the time (the same was true for
> >KUSF when I lived about a mile from it).
> In most non-US towns and cities this is still the case. I would love
> to be near just one of the stations you receive even just in the Bay
> Area, let alone anywhere else. In an attempt to further clarify what
> a great thing you have going on with radio in America, and what there
> is to lose of course you might want to know/recall that in Europe
> where there is no such thing as college radio, let alone anything
> else that isn't either dinosaur BBC programming or local Evergreen
> stations.
> In Britain there are less than 10 shows in the whole country with an
> agenda/show playing anything remotely
> freeform/experimental/underground, not even overground underground.
> Of all the radio I've done, 95% has been in America, and of that,
> much of my good live stuff has been done through such a platform.
> Vicki
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