nae worries miss bennett
on 22/1/02 11:52 AM, Vicki Bennett at wrote:
> Oh sorry Mark - correction, you were talking about the Cartel bloke,
> not Osymyso. I should read before I write.
>>> I enjoy the Osymyso and cartel stuff and know one of the cartel video boys.
>>> He works for a video editing company doing final edits on MTV clips, which
>>> makes the piracy of MTV clips a touch more piquant. He definitely hasn't
>>> heard of Oswald or even Negland, coming from a techno background.
>> Actually he has. I know him. He loves Negativland. Osymyso is a
>> true culture jammer, of the American variety. I'd say that the
>> other people I could mention in England doing sampling - Stock,
>> Hausen and Walkman (RIP) and myself - have as much in common with
>> the comedy/surrealist tradition ofd cultural reflection (Monty
>> Python, Peter Cook and Dudley Moore, and more recently Chris Morris).
>> Vicki
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