[rumori] U B U W E B / E P C :: M P 3__A R C H I V E

From: UbuEditor (ubuwebATyahoo.com)
Date: Sun Sep 30 2001 - 17:54:02 PDT

          UbuWeb Visual, Concrete + Sound Poetry


                      The Electronic Poetry Center

                are pleased to announce the launch of

           U B U W E B / E P C :: M P 3__A R C H I V E

UbuWeb Visual, Concrete, + Sound Poetry and The Electronic Poetry
Center at SUNY Buffalo are pleased to announce the launch of the
Internet's largest MP3 archive of Sound Poetry and related audio

The files are currently for download only but multiple bandwidth
streaming will be available in the near future.

The following MP3 files are available for your use:

Vito Acconci

1. Ten Packed Minutes (1977) (12:33)

Pierre Albert-Birot

1. Poemes a crier et a danser / Chant 1 / L' Avion / Chant III (1916-19), 1:05
2. Poemes a deux voix / Metro / Balalaika (1916-19)
3. Poemes Promethee / Crayon bleu (1918)

Altagor, France

1. from "Discours Absolu" (1947-60), 1947-60

Charles Amirkhanian, USA

Mental Radio
1. Church Car, Version 2 (1980-81) (2:55)
2. Dot Bunch (1981)
3. Dog of Stravinsky (1982) (3:21)
4. Hypothetical Moments (1981) (5:31)
5. Maroa (1981) (5:10)
6. The Putts (1981) (5:18)
7. Dreams Freud Dreamed (1970) (5:10)
8. Andas (1982) (6:45)
9. History of Collage (1981) (4:48)
10. Dzarim Bess Ga Khorim (1972) (5:10)

Antonin Artaud, France

1. from "Pour en finir avec le jugement de Dieu" (1947), 24:05

Hugo Ball

1. Karawane / Wolken / Katzen und pfauen / Totenklage / Gadji beri
bimba / Seepferdchen und Flugfische (1916), 7:40

Giacomo Balla

1. L'Annoiata (c. 1920), 2:45
2. Canzone di Maggio (1914), :41
3. Discussione dul futurismo di due critici sudanesi (1914), 1:18
4. Funerale a piazza Termini (1918), :33
5. Macchina Tipografica (1914), :23
6. Paesaggio + Temporale (1914), :50
7. Il Pigro (c. 1920), 2:45

Samuel Beckett

1. Cascando (1963) (17:20)
2. Words and Music (1962) (23:40)
3. Krapp's Last Tape, Part I
4. Krapp's Last Tape, Part II

Eric Belgum

1. Bad Marriage Mantra (1998) (60:00)

Charles Bernstein | Class

1. Piffle (Breathing) (1976) (7:00)
2. 1-100 (1969) (3:00)
3. My/My/My (1976) (5:00)
4. Class (1976) (10:30)
5. Goodnight (1976) (1:00)

Jaap Blonk (Reverof Zrem)

1. Ursonate (1998) (35:00)

Christian Bok, Canada

1. Seahorses and Flying Fish (3:10)
2. And Sometimes (:32)
3. Valuveula (1:16)
4. from "Motorized Razors" (2:24)
5. Ubu Hubbub (:46)
6. Ursonate (18:36)

William S. Burroughs, USA

1. from Naked Lunch (1977)
2. from "The Wild Boys" (1974)
3. What Washington, What Orders (1974)
4. Keynote Commentary / Roosevelt After Inauguration (1978)
5. Benway (1978)
6. from The Gay Gun: This is Kim Carson / Just Like The Collapse of
any Currency / The Whole Tamale (1978)
7. What the Nova Convention is About (1978)
8. Conversations | William Burroughs, Brion Gysin, Timothy Leary, Les
Levine, and Robert Anton Wilson (1978)
9. When Did I Stop Wanting to be President (1975)

John Cage, USA

1. Mushroom Haiku, excerpt from Silence (1972/69)
2. excerpt from Silence (1969)
3. Writing for the Second Time Through Finnegans Wake (1978)
4. Song, Derived from the Journal of Henry David Thoreau (1976)
5. Mureau (1975)

Francesco Cangiullo

1. Il sifone d'oro, 3:53 (1913)

Velemir Chlebnikov

1. Bobeobi (c. 1908), :53
2. Esorcismo col riso (1908), :35
3. from "Zangezi": Il Linguaggio degli dei (1922), 1:50
4. from "Zangezi": Il Linguaggio delle stelle (1922), 3:46

Henri Chopin, France

1. La civilisation du papier (1975), 7:07
2. Extreme Tension (1974), 4:30
3. Henri Chopin | Definition des Lettres Suivantes (1975), 5:335

Il concento prosodico, Italy

Sergio Cena, Arrigo Lora-Totino, Roberto Musto, Laura Santiano
Sinfonia in 4 materie (1976)
1. Vocali (1:40)
2. Vetro ben temperato (3:40)
3. Fricative (2:55)
4. Xilofonia (3:55)
5. Tenzone tropicale (3:10)
6. Siderodiafonia (6:00)
7. Vocali (1:17)

Bob Cobbing, U.K.

1. 15 Shakespeare-Kaku (1975), 8:55
2. Bob Cobbing | Portrait of Robin Crozier (1976), 4:55

Carlfriedrich Claus

1. Laugtgedichten (1965), 4:12

Francis E. Dec

1. Rant 1
2. Rant 2
3. Rant 3
4. Rant 4
5. Rant 5

Fortunado Depero, Italy

1. SiiO VLUMMIA - torrente (1916), 1:12
2. Tramvai (1916), 3:08
3. Verbalizzazione astratta di signora (1916), 2:45

Francois Dufrene, France

1. Un retour a mes sources (1971), 10:25
2. La Valse (1958), 3:45

Nikolaus Einhorn

1. Don't you may be, the essential interview (1975), 5:02


1. Affaraffari (1947), 3:49
2. Sincopatie / Innanzi al' / Le Rondini / Apersi / Il Mattino / Luna
Erotomane (1933), 1:15
3. Tuberie (1937), 2:32
4. Veni Vidi Viti (1937), 2:44

Fylkingen Text-Sound Festivals | 10 Years, Sweden

1. Lars-Gunnar Bodin | Nastan / Plus (1977), 1:10
2. Sten Hanson | Au 197,0 (1976), 5:40
3. Ake Hodell | The Voyage to Labrador (1977), 4:15
4. Bengt Emil Johnson | Behind Alpha (1977), 4:15
5. Ilmar Laaban | Des dal les et de des (1977), 2:35
6. Charles Amirkhanian | Dzarim Bess Ga Khorim (1972), 5:10
7. Henri Chopin | Definition des Lettres Suivantes (1975), 5:35
8. Bob Cobbing | Portrait of Robin Crozier (1976), 4:55
9. Bernard Heidsieck | Sisyphe (1977), 4:05
10. Arrigo Lora-Totino | Chiacchere (1976), 4:55

John Giorno

1. Grasping at Emptiness (1978)
2. Vajra Kisses (1972)
3. Suicide Sutra (1973)
4. Eating The Sky (1978)
5. Excerpt from Shit, Piss, Blood, Pus + Brains (1976)
6. Excerpt from Subduing Demons in America (1975)

Giorno Poetry Systems | Big Ego

1. Patti Smith | The Histories of the Universe (1975)
2. Philip Glass | A Secret Solo (1977)
3. John Giorno | Grasping at Emptiness (1978)
4. Laurie Anderson | Three Expediences (1978)
5. Robert Wilson + Christopher Knowles | A Letter to Queen Victoria (1975)
6. Meredith Monk | Biography (1972)
7. Michael Lally | All of the Above (1978)
8. Robert Lowell | Ulysses & Circe (1977)
9. Larrry Wendt | How to Cook a Duck (1976)
10. Jackie Curtis | Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (1976)
11. Ed Sanders | A Monologue (1968)
12. William S. Burroughs | from Naked Lunch (1977)
13. Harris Schiff | 15 Years Passes / Dollar Bill (1977)
14. Otis Brown | Boneless Chicken (1977)
15. Joel Oppenheimer | Cities, This City (1976)
16. The Fugs | Saran Wrap (1965)
17. Claes Oldenburg | June Was / Panodramdra (1976)
18. Denise Levertov | Woman Alone (1977)
19. Ted Greenwald | Friends (1977)
20. Anthony J. Gnazzo | Hisnia & Hernia (1975)
21. Steve & Gloria Troop | Snow White (1977)
22. Jim Brodey | Homeward Bound (1976)
23. Robert Ashley | Interiors with Flash (1976)
24. Eileen Miles | Tuesday Brightness (1977)
25. Helen Adams | Apartment on Twin Peaks (1977)
26. Anne Waldman | Light & Shadow (1975)
27. Joe Johnson | Fly Ho (1977)
28. Lorenzo Thomas | Wonders (1977)
29. Ishmael Reed | Sky Diving (1977)
30. Kenward Elmslie | The Woolworth Song (1978)
31. Mona da Vinci | The Sacred Art of Wood (1974)
32. Bernard Heidsieck | Canal Street No. 19 (1976)
33. Steve Hamilton | Promise (1976)
34. Frank O'Hara | Poem / Poem (1963)
35. Ron Padgett | No Title (1978)

Giorno Poetry Systems | Biting off the Tongue of a Corpse

1. Gary Snyder | from "Turtle Island" (1975)
2. John Giorno | Excerpt from Subduing Demons in America (1975)
3. William S. Burroughs | from "The Wild Boys" (1974)
4. Charles Olson | Maximus of Gloucester (1967)
5. Ted Berrigan | Excerpts from Memorial Day (1974)
6. Ed Sanders | The Struggle (1975)
7. Edwin Denby | The Shoulder, etc. (1975)
8. Helen Adam | Cheerless Junkie Song (1975)
9. Diane DiPrima | Ave (1974)
10. John Wieners | In Public (1968)
11. Robert Duncan | To Speak My Mind... (1974)
12. John Cage | Mureau (1975)
13. Denise Levertov | Life at War (1966)
14. Frank O'Hara | Having a Coke with You (1966)
15. Kenneth Koch | Spring (1966)
16. John Ashbery | A Blessing in Disguise (1966)
17. Charles Stein | Seed Poem (1975)

Giorno Poetry Systems | Dial-A-Poem Poets

1. Allen Ginsberg | Vajra Mantra (1972)
2. Diana De Prima | Revolutionary Letters Nos. 7, 13, 16, 49 (1969)
3. William S. Burroughs | excerpts from The Wild Boys (1971)
4. Anne Waldman | Pressure, Holy City (1972)
5. John Giorno | Vajra Kisses (1972)
6. Emmett Williams | Duet (1968)
7. Ed Sanders | Cemetery Hill (1965)
8. Taylor Mead | Motorcycles (1969)
9. Allen Ginsberg | Green Automobile 1953 (1971)
10. Robert Creeley | The Messenger for Allen Ginsberg, I Know a Man (1971)
11. Harris Schiff | Poems (1972)
12. Lenore Kandel | Kali (1965)
13. Aram Saroyan | Not a Cricket (1969)
14. Philip Whalen | from Scenes of Life at the Capital (1971)
15. Ted Berrigan | from The Sonnets (1965)
16. Frank O'Hara | Ode to Joy, To Hell With It (1963)
17. Joe Brainard | from I Remember (1970)
18. Clark Coolidge | Small Inventions: Suite V (plurals) secanate,
Suite IV (1969)
19. Jim Carroll | from The Basketball Diaries (1969)
20. John Cage | Mushroom Haiku, excerpt from Silence (1972/69)
21. Bernadette Mayer | These Stories About After the Revolution (1970)
22. Michael Brownstein | Geography (1970)
23. Brion Gysin | I Am That I Am (1958)
24. John Sinclair | The Destruction of America (1965)
25. Anne Waldman | How the Sestina (Yawn) Works (1977)
26. Heathcote Williams | I Will Not Pay Taxes Until (1969)
27. David Henderson | The Louisiana Weekly No. 1, Ruckus Poem Part 1 (1968)
28. Bobby Seale | excerpt from Fillmore East speech (1968)
29. Kathleen Cleaver | excerpt from Fillmore East speech (1968)
30. Allen Ginsberg | Blake Song: Merrily We Welcome in the Year (1971)

Giorno Poetry Systems | Disconnected

1. Allen Ginsberg | I'm a Victim of Telephones (1968)
2. Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche | Cynical Letter, A Letter to Marpa,
Sound Cycle (Aham) (1974)
3. John Giorno | Suicide Sutra (1973)
4. William S. Burroughs | What Washington, What Orders (1974)
5. Charles Plymell | 100 Flies on an Airplane Flying Around the World (1974)
6. Michael Brownstein | Monologue from the Top (1974)
7. John Cage | excerpt from Silence (1969)
8. Anne Waldman | Fast Speaking Woman (1973)
9. Diane DiPrima | excerpt from Loba (1973)
10. Bernadette Mayer | excerpt from Studying Hunger (1973)
11. Robert Creeley | The Name (1973)
12. Diane Wakoski | High Heel Jesus (1970)
13. Lorenzo Thomas | High Heel Jesus (1973)
14. Gregory Coroso | Marriage (1973)
15. Maureen Owen | Body Rush (1974)
16. Ed Sanders | Stand by My Side Oh Lord (1973)
17. Charles Olson | The Ridge (1967)
18. Allen Ginsberg | Jimmy Berman (1971)
19. Joe Brainard | excerpt from More I Remember More (1974)
20. John Wieners | excerpt from Memories in a Small Apartment (1974)
21. Gerard Malanga | A Last Poem (Tentative Title) (1969)
22. John Perreault | Nude Death (1973)
23. Jack Spicer: excerpt from Billy the Kid (1965)
24. Jim Carroll: from The Basketball Diaries, Age 13, Spring 1965 (1973)
25. Peter Orlovsky: All Around the Garden (1974)
26. Imamu Amiri Baraka | Our Nation Is Like Ourselves (1970)
27. Michael McClure | Lion Poem (1974)
28. Ed Dorn | Recollections of Grande Apacharia (1973)
29. Frank Lima: The Hunter (1974)
30. Frank O'Hara | Adieu Norman, Bonjour to Joan and Jean Paul from
Lunch Poems (1964)
31. Bill Berkson | Stanky (1968)
32. Larry Fagin | A Play (1969)
33. Tom Clark | Little Aria (1972)
34. Paul Blackburn | The Once-Over from Brooklyn Manhattan Transit (1963)
35. Philip Whelan: If You're So Smart Why Aren't You Rich (1965)
36. Ron Padgett: June 17, 1942 (1974)
37. John Ashbery: The Tennis Court Oath (1969)
38. Clark Coolidge: excerpt from Dews (1969)
39. Charles Amirkhanian | RADII (1972)

Giorno Poetry Systems | The Nova Convention

1. Terry Southern | Vignette of Idealistic Life in South Texas (1:25)
2. William S. Burroughs | Keynote Commentary & Roosevelt After
Inauguration (5:52)
3. John Giorno | Eating The Sky (13:30)
4. Patti Smith | Poem for Jim Morrison & Bumblebee (11:45)
5. William S. Burroughs | Benway (3:40)
6. Philip Glass | Building (excerpt from Einstein on the Beach) (3:04)
7. Brion Gysin | Kick That Habit, Junk Is No Good Baby, Somebody
Special, & Blue Baboon (7:06)
8. Frank Zappa | The Talking Asshole (5:25)
9. William S. Burroughs | from The Gay Gun: This is Kim Carson / Just
Like The Collapse of any Currency / The Whole Tamale (13:27)
10. William S. Burroughs | What the Nova Convention is About (2:35)
11. Ed Sanders | Hymn to Aphrodite form Sappho (8:50)
12. John Cage | Writing for the Second Time Through Finnegans Wake (14:15)
13. Anne Waldman | Plutonium Ode & Skin Meat Bones (6:35)
14. Laurie Anderson + Julia Heyward | Song from America On The Move (12:50)
15. Allen Ginsberg + Peter Orlovsky | Punk Rock & Old Pond (13:00)
16. Conversations | William Burroughs, Brion Gysin, Timothy Leary,
Les Levine, and Robert Anton Wilson (7:10)

Giorno Poetry Systems | Totally Corrupt

1. Charles Bukowski | Cloud Nine / I Live in a Neighborhood of
Murderers / Two Horse Collars, 1974
2. Ed Dorn | from Gunslinger, Book 4, 1975
3. William S. Burroughs | When Did I Stop Wanting to be President, 1975
4. Sylvia Plath | Daddy, 1962
5. John Giorno | excerpt from Shit, Piss, Blood, Pus + Brains, 1976
6. Michael McClure | from Jaguar Sky: There's Cruelty in Every Jewel, 1975
7. Michael Brownstein | Jet Set Melodrama, 1975
8. Jackie Curtis | You Are My Lucky Star, 1976
9. Ed Sanders | This is the Age of Investigation Poetry and Every
Citizen Must Investigate, 1976
10. Charles Bukowski | Christ, You'll Never Know / The Closing of the
Topless Ande Bottomless Bars, 1974
11. Anne Waldman | Some Small Fires, 1975
12. Imamu Amiri Baraka | from Hard Facts: Rockefeller's Your
Vice-President and Your Mama Don't Wear No Draws, A New Reality is
Better than a Movie, 1975
13. Erica Huggins | For a Woman, 1972
14. Ken Kesey | A Brief Disclosure, 1975
15. Jackson Mac Low | Guru, Guru, Gate, 1976
16. Charles Amirkhanian | Mushrooms (for John Cage), 1974
17. William Carlos Williams | The Yellow Flower from Pictures from
Brueghel and Other Poems, 1954
18. Allen Ginsberg | Please Master, 1975
19. Imamu Amiri Baraka | from Hard Facts: New York is Everywhere Big, 1975
20. Frank O'Hara | To the Film Industry in Crisis, 1959
21. Taylor Mead | I Was in a Drugstore, 1976
22. Jackie Curtis | The All-American Vampire or How the Bee Sucks, 1975
23. Jack Spicer | from The Holy Grail : The Book of the Death of Arthur, 1965
24. John Cage | Song, Derived from the Journal of Henry David Thoreau, 1976
25. Tom Weatherly | Mud Water Shango, Blues for Frank Swooton, 1965
26. Joanne Kyger | In All This Everyday, 1976
27. Charles Olson | Letter 27: Maximus to Gloucester, 1967
28. W.S. Merwin | Fear, 1975
29. Marueen Owen | When You're Down and Under, 1975
30. Jerome Rothenberg | The Opening of the Horse Song, Number Eleven,
A Total Translation from the Navajo, 1970
31. Ted Berrigan | Today in Ann Arbor, 1975
32. Susan Howe | There is No Good on Earth and Sin is But a Name, 1976
33. Rochelle Owens | excerpt from The Joe Chronicles, Part 2, 1976
34. Bill Knott | Corpse and Beans, 1974
35. Tony Towle | New York Letters, 1976
36. Bernard Heidsieck | Stratimelo, 1966
37. Peter Orlovsky | Compost Piles, 1975

Brion Gysin, UK / US

1. Pistol Poem (1960), 3:40
2. No, poets don't own words (1962), :58
3. Junk is no good baby (1962), 2:03

Raoul Hausmann

1. Phonemes (1956-57), 15:18
2. R.L.Q.S. varie en 3 cascades (1947), 23:28
3. Soundrel (1919), 4:16
4. Conversation imagee avec les lettristes (1947), 7:10

Bernard Heidsieck, France

1. Vaduz, Passepartout no. 22 (1974), 12:00
2. Sisyphe (1977), 4:05
3. Canal Street No. 19 (1976)

Isidore Isou, France

1. Rituel somptueux pour la Seclection des Especes (1965), 2:12

The Kipper Kids, USA

1. Sheik of Araby (1980)

Vasilij Kamenskij, USSR

1. L'Usignolo (1916)

Aleksej Krucenych, USSR

1. dyr bul scyl (1912), :12
2. Kr dei macelli (1920), 1:35
3. Zanzera, veleno (1922), 2:50

Maurice Lemaitre, France

1. La Marche des Barbares Blancs (1965), 3:05

Arrigo Lora-Totino, Italy

1. L'esperienza (1965)
2. Clessidrogramma (1970)
3. Lo stato sono io (1974)
4. Intonazione cromatica (1974)
5. Arrigo Lora-Totino | Chiacchere (1976)

Vladimir Maiakovski, USSR

1. Ordinanza all'esercito dell'arte (1918), 1:54
2. Rumori, rumorini e rumoracci (1913), 1:03
3. Di strada in strada (1913), 1:04

F.T. Marinetti, Italy

1. Battaglia, Peso + Odore, 8:53 (1912)
2. Dune, 6:05 (1914)

Paul McCarthy, USA

1. Boston Bay (1980)

Franz Mon

1. Da du der bist (1973), 13:00

Christian Morgenstern

1. Das Grosse Lalua (1890) / Das Gebet (1905) / Der Rabe Ralf (1905)
/ Igel und Agel (1905) / Fisches nachtgesang (1905), 4:53

Maurizio Nannucci, Italy

1. Definizioni (1976), 4;04


Sound Poems 1966-1980
1. Dada Lama, 2:12 (1966)
2. Pome Poem, 2:34 (1972)
3. 060173, 1:06 (1973)
4. Eight Part Suite, 2:11 (1972)
5. Cosmic Piece for Orchestra & Chorus, 1:58 (1969)
6. Art in Upheval, 5:36 (begun 1979)
7. Generations Generated, 9:32 (1977)
8. Afternoon Attentions,1:44 (1973)
9. "meeln", :23 (1973)
10. Acres Rare Meet, 7:01 (1977)
11. Ballads of the Restless Are, 8:49 (1967)
12. White Text Sure: Version 1, 5:29 (1978)
13. Outsize Reference (1973)
14. Translating Translating Apollinaire 52, 3:50 (1978)
15. The Alphabet Game, 5:23 (1972)
16. Interuppted Nap, 1:55 (1976-80)
17. Appendix (split 7" single)

Ladislav Nov·k

1. Ceterum auterm (1970), 2:10
2. La structure phonetique de la langue tcheque (1970), 2:40

Arthur Petronio

1. Cosmosmose (1965), 14:30

Bern Porter

1. The Last Acts of St. Fuck You (1985), 9:37

Jim Roche

Learning to Count
1. Hippys Are Living Proof, 1971 (3:31)
2. Every Man, Woman, And Child, 1972 (7:53)
3. Fight It Out, 1972 (11:46)
4. Bubble Blower, 1972 (5:08)
5. Straight Razor, 1972 (9:14)
6. Mama Bear, 1972 (8:50)
7. Power Poles, 1973 (3:31)
8. Swoops Down Outta The Sky, 1975 (12:33)
9. Cadillac, 1973 (5:52)
10. Store Up Your Treasures in Heaven, 1974 (7:29)
11. Whatcha Doing Down There Boy, 1975 (7:32)
12. Whatsda Matter Wid Jew, 1977 (5:33)
13. Lucky T's Texaco, 1975 (6:17)

Jerome Rothenberg, US

That Dada Strain
1. Karawane (1:48)
2. A Glass Tube Ecsatcy (2:27)
3. London Onion (1:44)
4. The Holy Words of Tristan Tzara (9:11)
5. Y-V (After Tristan Tzara) (2:01)
The Horse Songs of Frank Mitchell
1. Side A (27:00)
2. Side B (15:00)
Poland 1931
1. The Wedding (3:45)
2. The King of the Jews (1:18)
3. The Beadle's Testimony (1:49)
4. The Rabbi's Testimony (1:51)
5. The 7 Melodies of Esther K. (4:04)
6. Esther K. Comes to America (4:43)

Gerhard Ruhm, Germany

1. Gebet (1954), :40
2. Hymne an lesbierinnen (1956), 2:08
3. Blatter (1965-73), :20
4. Beruhrung (1965-73), :10
5. Verkutze zeitspanne mit melodischen extrakt (1973), 1:20
6. The Bird of Paradise (1975), 5:39

Paul Scheerbart

1. da "Ichliebe dich! Ein eisenbahnroman": Kikakou (1897) / da
"NaProst! Phantastischer Konigsroman" : Zauberspruch I-II (1898) / da
"Immer mutig! Ein Phantasticher Nilpferderoman": Monolog des
Verruckten Mastadons (1902), 2:35

Kurt Schwitters, Switzerland

1. Simultangedicht kaa gee dee (1919) / WW (1922) / boo (1926) / naa
(1926) / bii bull ree (1936) / Obervogelsang (1946) / Niesscherzo e
Hunstenscherzo (1937) / The real disuda of the nightmare (1946), 6:39

Adriano Spatola

1. Hommage a Eric Satie (1976), 7:43

Demetrio Stratos, Greece

1. O Tzitziras o Mitziras (1976), 4:01

Tristan Tzara, Marcel Janco, Richard Hulsenbeck

1. L'amiral cherche une maison a louer (1916), 2:30

Paul de Vree

1. April am Rhein (1966), :47
2. Kids (1974), :53
3. Organon (1965), 4:40
4. Terrena trou bahi (1965), :47

Patrizia Vicinelli, Italy

1. Sette Poemi (1967-76), 1967-76

Benjamin Weismann, USA

1. Hitler Ski Story | 1994 (13:09)

Reese Williams, USA

1. The Sonance Project, Part 1
2. The Sonance Project, Part 2

Il 'Ja Zdanevic

1. scena da "Asino a nolo" (1918), 1:38

U B U W E B / E P C :: M P 3___A R C H I V E

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