Everytime I check my email at the moment and it's a Rumori I laugh
because the subject "enjoyable Charles Hayward" is very funny - I can
imagine he'll release an easy listening retrospective with that name
before long. I mean he's already squawking like he's gone completely
insane, can't be long now...
>I like to let the samples "find me" - I like to make samples by picking a CD
>from my collection by mood, and listening to a song until I hear a sample
>that grabs my attention.
>I tend to think there's so many good sounds in music that almost every album
>has enough source material for whole new albums of material. With this in
>mind looking for lots of new music is a waste when you haven't exploited the
>music you own.
>Of course this is a lot to do with my focus on music and sound, rather than
>words and meaning (possibly the rumori/snuggles difference). If I decided to
>write a track with some text, I might put a bit more work into finding
>samples. But then I'd probably go online - pillage news cast archives and
>the like.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: illegal art [SMTP:illegalartATdetritus.net]
>> Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 1:28 AM
>> To: rumoriATdetritus.net
>> Subject: Re: [rumori] enjoyable Charles Hayward
>> >(sarcastically) 'he's a really heavy musician, he does some really heavy
>> >shopping down in those second-hand record shops down in Kingston, he goes
>> >there looking in those boxes, and he comes back sometimes with this real
>> >easy-listening shit, and he listens to it and he finds the horn riff
>> that's
>> >really good! Oh! What an intrepid explorer!' Culture as a mirror of
>> >shopping! Right the way down the line! The consumer experience at the
>> >centre of the creative practice! It makes me SICK!! Sorry to shout.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >he's right you know
>> >
>> >jl
>> >
>> but how many people actually put that much effort into finding samples?
>> my
>> general approach is to just interact with what is already staring at me...
>> i personally don't go on shopping sprees to find samples. ok, maybe if i
>> have an idea and i really need a certain recording that i don't already
>> have i might download or borrow it or...
>> but i'm curious, do others spend countless hours searching for sounds?
>> philo
>> http://www.detritus.net/illegalart/
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