[rumori] Dictionaraoke on Online Tonight.. tonight

From: David Dixon (dsquaredATeudoramail.com)
Date: Tue Aug 21 2001 - 11:45:11 PDT

Tonight's "Online Tonight" show will be featuring that pronunciation sensation that's sweeping the nation(s).. Dictionaraoke, with an interview with yours truly. The show airs at 10 PM EDT (7 PM for you left-coasters) on various radio stations around the country, and online at www.cnetradio.com. Detournement, fair use, and the strange magic that dictionary voices generate while reciting the lyrics to hit songs will be likely topics of discussion.

Online Tonight homepage: online-tonight.com
Dictionaraoke: www.dictionaraoke.org or www.singingdictionary.org

Stark Effect

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