[rumori] The Market-O-Matic (1.0) [fine arts version]

From: Vicki Bennett (peoplelikeusATmistral.co.uk)
Date: Tue Jul 10 2001 - 08:06:07 PDT

Hi, just got this off of the Rhizome list - it's brilliant, try it!

>Tired of racking your brain trying to squeeze out yet another
>artist's statement extolling the unique virtues of your latest
>net.art joint?
>Do you lapse into fits of involuntary muscle spasms every time you
>hear the word "immersive" in casual conversation?
>Then search no further -- The Market-O-Matic (1.0) [fine arts
>version] is here!
>Just fill in the blanks, hit the "Crank Out the Crap" button, email
>the results to your nearest digital arts festival jury panel, then
>sit back and enjoy a well-earned coffee break!
>The Market-O-Matic (1.0) [fine arts version] -- pimping yourself to
>the self-referential digital arts community has never been so easy!

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